Catalogue information

LastDodo number
DVD / Video / Blu-ray
Item title
Georges Méliès - Die magie des Kinos
Original title
Series / hero / subject
Collection / set
Number in collection / set
Addition to number
Carrier / medium
Label / publisher
Film studio
Release year item
Release year of movie
Playing time (min.)
Number of discs / tapes
Region code
Article number packaging
Barcode / EAN / UPC packaging
Language on cover
Spoken language
Language subtitles
Colour / black and white

Georges Méliès - Magician, visionary and the greatest storyteller of early cinema. Between 1896 and 1913 he directed more than 500 films. By chance, the son of a shoe manufacturer came across the opportunity to produce special effects and showed where the journey of the new medium of cinema should lead with what is probably his best-known work "Journey to the Moon". With his five-time Oscar-winning "Hugo Cabret", Martin Scorsese set a worthy monument to the cinema visionary. Bonus material: Documentary "Méliès, father and son" by Georges Franju (6min.), "Advertising texts based on Georges Méliès - spoken by André Dussolier", "Journey to the Moon" - black and white version with music by Lawrence Lehérissey (1902), 16- 1-page booklet with a detailed text by the film publicist Roland Mörchen Contents of the edition (29 short films): Voyage dans la lune (1902) Une partie de Cartes (1896) Le déshabillage impossible (1900) Le chevalier mystère (1899) Sorcellerie culinaire (1904) Le mélomane (1903) La sirène (1904) Les Incendiaires (1906) Le portrait mystérieux (1899) Une chute de cinq étages (1906) Les malheurs d'un photographe (1908) Cendrillon (1899) Cendrillon ou la pantoufle Merveilleuse (1912) Le chaudron infernal (1903) Une nuit terrible (1896) Dislocation Mystérieuse (1901) Les quatre cents farces du diable (1906) Un homme de têtes (1898) Les affiches en goguette (1906) Il ya un dieu pour les ivrognes (1907) Spiritisme abracadabrant (1900) L'ile de Calypso ou U lysse et le Géant Polyphème (1905) Barbe-Bleue (1901) Le cake-walk infernal (1903) Le sacre d'Édouard VII (1902) Le fakir de Singapore (1908) La cardeuse de matelas (1906) La Génie du feu ( 1908) A la conquete du pole (1911)

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Guest producer

EPISODES and/or (additional) PRODUCTIONS

Die aussergewöhnliche Reise (Le voyage extraordinaire) (2011)
Guest producer
Guest composer
Die Reise zum Mond (Le voyage dans la lune) (1902)