Catalogue information

LastDodo number
Album pictures
Nr 71
Publisher / brand
Name of album or collection
Serial number
Number in album or collection
Printing office
4 x 3.5 cm

"Roast tenderloin and Rooster tenderloin - The Match". The unpaged album tells in detail how the two hares who have to convey a message for their brother get entangled in a revolt that is not a revolt but a running race, and win it. Drawings and text are by Toonder Studio's Amsterdam for Bolletje Eierbeschuit Almelo. It is an album that had to be filled with pictures that came packed with the egg biscuit. Unlike almost all other picture albums, rubbing plates had to be glued here. A rubbing plate had to be cut individually from strips. Incidentally, it was more fun for children to stick those pictures on their arm than in an album, so a full album is difficult to find. Photo 1 was made by photographing an unused complete rubbing plate on a light box (front and back are together) and was therefore not photographed from an album in which the pictures are pasted. This explains that the picture in photo 3 shows through in mirror image.

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References to other categories

Comic Books / Series / protagonists