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Nr 4. “ Tom Puss fyldte vadsækken med forskellige sager.” (“ ...enkele zaken, die hij daarin pakte. ")
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DN, origineel 2/5
Printing office
7.5 x 5.2 cm

Tom Puss (DEBB2.1) with 85 colored pictures. Danish translation of BB 12.1 Tom Poes experiencing an advertising story for Quaker Oats Grain Products from Rotterdam. Together with Heer Bommel he travels through Africa and the Middle East and even the Arctic, but this time everything in Danish with 85 pictures. Published by A/S OTA in Copenhagen. This is picture 4. Photo 3, as a coincidence example the back of picture 11. Sometimes the pictures on the back have red letters, meaning: “Tom Poes stops. Now all the kids who have been brave enough to eat OTA SOL oatmeal have their album full. So we'll be starting something new and exciting soon.” Via overprint or reprint, an apparent announcement that the collection campaign is about to end. Translation: thanks to Niels G. Deen, (Prof. Dr. Ir. Eindhoven University of Technology). "The lyrics are of course related, but certainly not the same." The images are the same in all editions, except that in 3 pictures of the Danish edition the Quaker oatmeal packs have been replaced by the Danish brand OTA (pictures 4, 10 and 49). The quality of the paper of the cover and the pictures is considerably worse in the Danish version printed in Denmark than in the Dutch version. There are also significant color differences in the pictures. Since December 2021, the Marten Toonder Collective Club (MTVC) has compiled an almost complete book that provides a broad overview of the three authentic Quaker Oats publications with advertising items through time. Circulation: 1500. Authorized by PepsiCo and Stichting Toonder Copyright (STA).

This text has been translated automatically from Dutch

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