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Album pictures
Nr 1. Doktor Humle og Tom Puss drager ud til nye eventyr
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DN, origineel (1/5)
Printing office
7.5 x 5.2 cm

Tom Puss (DEBB2.1) with 85 colored pictures. Danish translation of BB 12.1 Tom Poes who experiences an advertising story for Quaker Oats Graanproducten from Rotterdam. He will travel with Heer Bommel through Africa and the Middle East and even the Arctic, but this time all in Danish with 85 pictures. Issued by A / S OTA in Copenhagen. This is picture 1. Photo 2 Translation: thanks to Niels G. Deen, (Prof. Dr. Ir. Eindhoven University of Technology). "The lyrics are of course related to each other, but not exactly the same. Here is the translation of the Danish card: “No. 1. Heer Bommel and Tom Poes set off for new adventures. Save the Tom Poes comic! This beautiful and funny comic is drawn by the famous Dutch cartoonist Marten Toonder, whose drawings are known and loved by millions of children around the world. Tom Cat pictures can only be found in OTA and SOL oatmeal packs, two in each kilo package and one in each half kilo package. The delightful picture adventure album features Tom Puss's history and can be obtained from merchants or by sending 1 krona stamps to OTA, PO Box 1224, Copenhagen South, while supplies last. The delicious roasted taste of SOL oatmeal can only be found with SOL oatmeal! ”

This text has been translated automatically from Dutch

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Comic Books / Series / protagonists