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The complete silver series consists of 12 different commemorative pieces Which were also available separately. If you registered for the whole series, you got free Schanulleke (a smaller piece), and a collection case on top. You could choose to purchase the series in one go, which was cheaper, or to have them delivered in several parts. If you opt for the second option, you will receive two items per month at home. You received the collection case on the third delivery. With the latter the Schanulleke piece and the certificate. Pieces sold separately cost 55 Euro If you bought the complete series spread over six months, you paid 660 Euro. If you bought the entire series at once, you paid 625 Euro. The images of the coins: 1) Suske en Wiske (The sunny Zageman) 2) Aunt Sidonia (Chic El Rojenbiet) 3) Jerom (The black swan) 4) Lambic (The Iron Haddock) 5) Schanulleke (The Beautiful Sleeper) 6) Arthurt (The sizzling sampan) 7) Doctor Krimson (The rhyming horse) 8) Mr Van Zwollum (The tattooing testament) 9) Sus Antigoon (The Island of Amoras) 10) Professor Barabas (The Monkey Fair) 11) Wink Wiske (The Rhyming Horse) 12) Theophiel Bomrang (The Texas Rascals) Snoefel and Gaffel (The golden circle) 13) Reverse Suske en Wiske (The bokkerijders)

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--- - Suske en Wiske

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