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Het leven van een Haagse dienstbode aan de hand van nagelaten prentbriefkaarten uit de periode 1909 -1916
Literary collection
Literary number
Addition to number
Series / hero
Original title
Print Run
First edition
Type of book
Number of pages
Number produced
21.0 x 31.0 cm
Barcode / EAN / UPC
Language / dialect
Country of publication
In 1916, one hundred years ago, there was a 24 years old girl named Corrie Hogewoning, who was living and working as a inhouse maid /servant girl in the city of The Hague (Den Haag),who died of tuberculosis. She had a steady relationship (not officially engaged as far as we know) - with a young man called Louis Berkelaar - who had certainly married her if she had not died. As it was, they communicated with eachother and with their families and friends, but of course they had no mobile phones, email or ‘social media’. Instead they used picture postcards, which - in those days - were a fairly new “invention” immensely popular and by which you could communicate a quickly and as trendy as we do now by phone, for the cost (cards and postage) was cheap and the mail was delivered sometimes as often as four (!) times a day. And picture postcards were available in all kinds and fomats - and they we collected by many people. The picture postcards that Corrie and Louis sent eachother, were safely stored by her sister, Wies (pronounce Wees) after her death and have survived a century. Only when we had a closer look at the cards, we noted that together they form a unique collection giving a fascinating view of life in those days. This book comrises the whole collection (front and specimen pages), with explanations and comments For non-Dutch readers / colllectioneurs we should add that the title of the book translates as 
“ A Thousand Kisses - the Life of a Servant Girl (inhouse Maid) in the City of The Hague, the Netherlands, described on the basis of an inherited collection of picture postcards” and that the “Thousand Kisses” message is written on the card shown on the cover page, on the spot where the stamp has been partly removed by the recipient as obviously agreed with the sender, so that they could communicate using a cheap postcard instead of a letter in a closed envelope. The book comprises a Register of Personal Names; and separate sections dealing with Tuberculosis, Servant Girls (Maids) and the Mobilisation of the country after the break-out of the Great War in 1914. (postcards)

Stories in this book4

Story number
Mobilisatie 1914
Story number
Garderegiment Jagers (Infanterie)
Story number
Corrie Hogewoning - Genealogie
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References to other categories

Postcards / Publishers as mentioned on card