Catalogue information

LastDodo number
Board games
Machi Koro
General name
Manufacturer / publisher
Kind of game
Collection / set
Number in collection
Number of players
Author / designer

Machi Koro is a smooth dice game in which the players build their own city with building cards. Each player starts the game with two starting buildings and four landmarks. The other building cards are placed as an open supply. On your turn, you roll the die (1 initially, 2 later if desired). The number thrown determines which building is activated. The color of an activated building determines when and by whom it pays out (money from the bank regardless of whose turn it is, money from the bank on your own turn, money from the active player or money from all other players). So there are also buildings that become active during the turns of fellow players. At the end of your turn, you can use your money to buy one new building from the supply or activate one of your landmarks. The latter are not only good for extra perks during the game (including a second die when you activate your train station). The player who activates his fourth point of interest first wins the game.

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