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Ethica Nicomachea
Literary collection
Literary number
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Original title
Print Run
First edition of a re-edition
Number of pages
Number produced
 x  cm
Barcode / EAN / UPC
Language / dialect
Country of publication

The Nicomachean Ethics is one of Aristotle's most accessible texts. It is also an important work, as it is the first systematic exposition of ethics in Western philosophy. Moreover, the work is at the origin of a certain philosophical reflection, the so-called 'happiness ethic'. The work has had a profound and lasting impact. It has helped shape common beliefs about ethics. Whoever takes up Ethics will encounter familiar concepts and problems. The Ethics is written for the adult political citizen with life experience, who needs good education to design right laws for the community. To make good laws, one needs to know the structure of the soul, to know how to attain fine character, and to understand the different types of righteousness. With these skills the politician is able to make laws that can promote the happiness of the citizens. The Ethics can therefore be regarded as a manual for future legislators and politicians. Happiness is the main theme of Aristotelian ethics. Happiness does not consist of one element, but contains a multitude of desirable parts. In Ethics, Aristotle examines the question of what exactly happiness can be, and builds his exposition around the three types of happy life: the happiness of the pleasure person, of the citizen and of the philosopher. The formation of good qualities, both those of character and those of the mind, is the basis of Aristotle's virtue ethics. Aristotle's ethics remain firmly anchored in the practice of community life. The Ethics can be regarded as an investigation into human happiness and the means to realize this happiness. The Ethics is the first part in the large series Aristotle in Dutch translation.

This text has been translated automatically from Dutch

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