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Publication attributed to American Chewing Gum Company (ACG), Breda, possibly late 1950s of the 20th century. The album is not available, only these 6 pictures. The first 5 pictures, certainly in conjunction with the back of nr 6, indeed show the beginning of the first part of Monus; see the book Monus de Man van de Maan and three follow-up books by A.D. Hildebrand. Only the text on the back of the 6th image is available; there is: "MONUS, THE MAN OF THE MOON 6. The men put on their moon suits and soon they can now go outside, having put on their oxygen helmets. And so the first humans of the earth tread the surface of the moon. They see a desolate wasteland and immediately Harm hears a shrill whistle and he sees a kind of cloud of steam or smoke coming out of the ground, near the green dome + French translation Forbidden to copy. Reproduction interdit. Author A.D. Hildebrand AMERICAN CHEWING GUM CY - BREDA, HOLLAND \ Only paste this strip " Given the French translation, the publication was also intended for the Belgian market. The pictures are attributed to Ferry Zipper. This is in line with the fact that they correspond in style with the drawings of Zipper in part 2 of the comic Monus Man van de Maan - reissue Boumaar (see also review thereof in Holland-SF # 224 April 2006) and not with Henk's style Sprenger, who had drawn part 1 of that comic, see also the item of this comic book. Another source confirms that Zipper illustrated children's books and comic strips by A.D. Hildebrand in the 1950s. The latter appeared in the youth supplements of Het Parool. see also NB Is American Chewing Gum Cy, Breda (1952) the predecessor of Smith's Chewing Sweets Ltd, Rotterdam (1957)? The latter published "To the mysterious moon valley" with pictures that strongly resemble those of the Monus pictures in terms of style AND layout and text on the back - see a.o. nr 4035041

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