Catalogue information

LastDodo number
Board games
Het spel van Tom Poes [donkerrode doos]
General name
Manufacturer / publisher
Kind of game
Collection / set
Number in collection
Number of players
14 x 19 x 2.3 cm

The mention K 205 on the booklet with rules refers to the printing company Faddegon in Amsterdam. The rules and cards are in old spelling. Variant with a red box. The object of the game is to be the first to reach the treasure. To do this, the players have to travel a road consisting of seven stages, each leading through a different landscape. Each stage is depicted on a separate playing card. Each player must go his own way, i.e. try to place the seven stage cards in the correct order in a row in front of him on the table. Whoever finishes the seventh stage, the treasure, first has won. Age: from six years Content: - 110 playing cards - six participant cards - one hexagonal starting point - game rules - red round chips, with numbering 1, 5, 10 and 25 The game is described (photographically!) In the magazine Barbarber, issue 49, November 1966. The reason, creation, description and photographic representation -in the colors black / white- of all parts of the game of Tom Poes ("Tom Poes game"). When all parts are cut out the game can be played. Dice are not part of the game. See Supplementary Catalog Number 5006449.

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