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Collection albums
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19.0 x 26.0 cm
Barcode / EAN / UPC

Unfortunately, this picture album with 100 adhesive pictures will rarely be offered in excellent condition. This has to do with the pictures that often start to stick together on the opposite pages. unsigned. The booklet is divided into 5 chapters with a large heading and title. Furthermore, many small drawings are included in the text columns. The pictures are placed in the header drawings, in the columns and sometimes between the columns. Content: The foundling in this story is a duckling, which is reluctantly adopted by the big bulldog Fiks, who, like his illustrious predecessor Heer Bommel, does not know his own strength. In the first chapter, the tomcat Kwiek steals a duck egg. While he waits for his breakfast to hatch from the egg, he is ambushed by the dog Fiks, who, when the egg hatches, is mistaken for his mother by the duck chick. After much arguing, Fiks is willing to act as adoptive father. In the second chapter, the chick is captured by a pair of barn owls who pretend to be the parents, but want to make a meal of it. Fiks realizes just in time that something is wrong and puts a stop to it. In the third chapter, Fiks goes looking for a teacher for his son, which ends in a fiasco due to the old Watchdog Van Os, a rooster and the Fox Rap who eventually runs away with the chick. In the fourth chapter, Fiks tracks down the fox, accidentally molests the den of the family foxes and ends up with the chick in the water of a large pond. While swimming, foster father and son meet the mother duck with the five other children. When it finally becomes clear that Fiks is the savior of the lost little one, he offers himself as the father of the whole couple.

This text has been translated automatically from Dutch

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