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Board games
Calcula - cijferspel
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Kind of game
Collection / set
Number in collection
Number of players
Author / designer

Arithmetic operations must be made on the game board using the stones, with the aim of performing an operation that has the highest possible outcome (score). The operations must be formatted from left to right and from top to bottom. In doing so, use is made of the numbers, figures and signs already present on the board, with the restriction, however, that no stones may be placed, in such a way that arithmetic errors arise. Number of players: 1 or more Age: all ages Content: - 1 game board - 100 number stones - 8 joker tiles - 20 stones with the plus sign - 15 stones with the timesign - 10 stones with the minus sign - 5 stones with the dividing sign - 4 stones with a parenthesis sign - 29 stones with the = sign - 4 add-on boards - game rules

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