Catalogue information

LastDodo number
Photo and video cameras
Minolta Dynax 505si super
Manufacturer / brand
Collection / set
Number in collection
First year of production
Country of origin
Type of film
Negative size
135 x 90 x 58.5
Type: autofocus SLR camera body ASA/ISO range: 25 to 5000 ASA DX-coded (6 to 6400 manually) Modes: programmed modes for sports, landscape, portrait, macro and night, fully automatic mode, shutter preferred mode, aperture preferred mode Exposure Metering: 14 field TTL measuring, spontaneously switchable to spot metering via central field Focusing: 2 vertical AF-sensors and a central cross-sensor controlled by fuzzy logic system, switchable to manual focusing or single sensor usage. A focusing priority mode allows shutter release only after correct focusing Shutter speed range: electronically controlled, 30 sec to 1/4000 sec Viewfinder: pentaprism showing 90% of image Lens Mount: Minolta A-Lenses bayonet Flash: guide number 12, selectable as autofocus support light Weight: 350 g without Lens + Film + Cr2-Batteries