Catalogue information

LastDodo number
Photo and video cameras
Canonet QL 17 G-III
Manufacturer / brand
Collection / set
Number in collection
First year of production
Country of origin
Type of film
Negative size

The Canonet QL17 G-III, produced from 1972 onwards, was the last and most advanced model of the successful Canonet series of compact rangefinder cameras with CDs automatics that Canon Camera Co. Ltd. Japan licensed production in Taiwan between 1960 and 1982. In the model and type designation, the "G" stands for "Grade-Up", (a reference to an increased quality) and "III" indicates that this camera belongs to the 3rd generation Canonet's. A big advantage of the "QL17 G-III" compared to many other similar compact rangefinder cameras is that it can also be photographed in manual mode while retaining full control over the exposure. The relatively compactly built "QL17 G-III" is by no means lightweight - even heavy for such a small camera - but it is therefore very pleasant to hold.

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