Catalogue information
- Language choice at start-up: English, French, Dutch or Flemish. - The language of the menus adapts to the language choice. The titles listed for this entry are taken from the English version of the menu. - No start-up trailers. - Usually supplied in a plastic, non-transparent blue, VIVA ELITE goalkeeper case. - The (voice) actors mentioned above are from the original American version. In the Dutch version you can hear the voices of: Nienke van Dijk, Boyan van der Heijden, Sabri Saad El Hamus, Nurlaila Karim, Carly Wijs, Melise de Winter and Jim Bakkum and in the Flemish version: Ivana Noa, Noa Tambwe Kabati , William Boeva, Camilia Blereau, Isabelle Van Hecke, Wanda Joosten and Enno Bové.
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