Catalogue information

LastDodo number
Treasure Island
Literary collection
Literary number
Addition to number
Series / hero
Original title
Print Run
First edition of a re-edition
Number of pages
Number produced
12.0 x 18.3 cm
Barcode / EAN / UPC
Language / dialect
Country of publication

With an image of the treasure map. Stevenson got the idea for the novel when, together with his stepson Lloyd Osbourne, he drew a map of a romantic island during a holiday in Braemar, Scotland in the summer of 1881. 'I sent my manuscript, and the map with it, to the Mr Cassell. The proofs came, they were corrected, but I didn't hear anything from the card. I wrote and asked; I was told it had never been received, and sat down. baffled. It's one thing to draw a map at random, put a scale in one corner of it, and write a story to accompany the measurements. It is quite another to have to examine the whole book, take stock of all the allusions it contains, and painfully design with a compass a map to fit the data. I did it; and the map was redrawn in my father's office, with decorations of blowing whales and sailing ships. And my father himself proved to have a talent for creating the different spellings, Captain Flint's forged signature, and Billy Bones' sailing directions. But somehow it was never Treasure Island for me. (Robert Louis Stevenson, My first book: 'Treasure Island', first published in the Idler, August 1894. Author's dedication: To LLOYD OSBOURNE An American gentleman in accordance with whose classic taste the following narrative has been designed it is now, in return for numerous delightful hours and with the kindest wishes, dedicated by his affectionate friend THE AUTHOR

This text has been translated automatically from Dutch

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