Catalogue information

LastDodo number
Collection albums
L'automobile dalle origini al 1900
Type of album
Collection / set
Number in collection
Addition to number
Type of items in Album
Number of items in album
Number of pages
Number produced
24.5 x 33.0 cm
Barcode / EAN / UPC

Italian versions of the Belgian Lombard albums and the French Dargaud albums from the series "Voir et Savoir" and "Zien en Weten". In the Italian albums and on the back of their images, reference is made to Casterman (Paris), while the back of the original Belgian images mentions Casterman (Tournai or Tournai) as the printing company. For the Shell version, the back of the images to be pasted was modified as well as the album and both could be obtained through the fuel brand. Perhaps similar to the Tintin coupon system for the original Lombard and Dargaud editions. Of the 60 images, 9 are vertical. The first photo shows the bound album with dust jacket. The back of the images is blank. The second photo shows the same album without a dust jacket. The third photo shows the flabby cover album with dust jacket. The reverse of the images provides explanations of the subject and advertisement for Shell. The album is 1.5 cm thick and the images measure 19.5 cm x 13 cm. Album printed by Institudo Grafico Bertello. Four Italian albums have been released, each with a different subject. There is probably both a bound and a soft cover version of Shell of every album. Portuguese albums and pictures may also have been released.

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Album pictures / Publishers / brands
Album pictures / Publishers / brands
Comic Books / Authors / artists