Catalogue information

LastDodo number
Revenue stamps
Recovery of Rhine and Inland Fleet (1941) - 14 - 30 guilders
Country / area
Face value
Release Year
Number in series
Usage type
Persons theme
Basic colour
Barefoot number
Forbin number
P. Korte
Perforation type
Number of teeth per 20 mm

The occupier had found the following on all damage from war acts and seizures: - Sections 2 and 3 of Regulation No 3/1940 of the Reich Commissioner for the Occupied Dutch Territory and Article 6 of the Decree on Restoration of the Rhine and Inland Shipping Fleet 2 (Decree of 12 September 1941, Document 38, No 178) deal with the damage caused to the inland shipping fleet during the acts of war. The German government is responsible for this today to pay the damage suffered to the “Dutch State”. 1 - Article 1 of the Dutch Government Gazette of 17 September 1941 provides that a person entitled to a registration in the “Ledger for the Rhine and Inner Fleet” (land registry for ships) is paid a financial contribution from the State of the Netherlands for each registered ship. 10 cents per ton for the first 300 tons and 4 cents per ton and per week for the advanced tonnage above 300 tons. Interest payments have also been determined. - Article 2 stipulates that for partial cover for the granting of financial concessions from 1 October 1941 to the State of the Netherlands, a contribution of 20 cents per tonne per year must be paid in advance in quarterly installments by purchasing the appropriate Reich seals. The Recovery Rhine - Inland fleet stamps. This concerns ships with a loading capacity of more than 100 tons, regardless of the country in which they belong, when these ships are used for taking cargo within the borders of the Netherlands, for storage or transport on inland waterways, to whatever destination. There are 16 denominations in total: fl 0.05, 0.10, 0.20, 0.30, 0.50 cents, fl 1.00, 2.00, 3.00, 4.00, 5.00, 10.00, 20.00, 30.00, 50.00 and 100.00 guilders. These stamps were sold through the Affreightment Commissariats, the Central Bureau for Rhine and Inland Navigation or at the Dutch Private Rhine Navigation Center and were affixed to the numbered statement issued by the organizations. Foreign ships, outside of these organizations, had to affix their seals to the tonnage certificate or main document (other effective piece of official paper). These “contribution” stamps were provisionally abolished in September 1944 (for the liberated area) and in 1947 definitively.

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