667 selected
- Not filled in
- Aceh - Sultanate (1496-1903)
- Afghanistan - Afghaanse states (till 1823)
- Afghanistan - Communist State (1973-1992)
- Afghanistan - Emirate (1823-1926)
- Afghanistan - Islamic republic Afghanistan (1992-present)
- Afghanistan - Kingdom (1926-1973)
- Ajman - Emirate (1969-1970)
- Al-Ghurfa - Yemeni state (1926)
- Albania - Kingdom (1928-1939)
- Albania - People's republic (1961-1992)
- Albania - Republic (1925-1928)
- Albania - Republic (1991-present)
- Albania - Socialist People's Republic (1976-1990)
- Albanië - Italian territory (1939-1944)
- Alderney - British Crown Dependency (1204-present)
- Algeria - French colony (1830-1962)
- Algeria - Republic (1964-present)
- Ancient Greece - Cappadocia as Independent Kingdom under Roman Influence (188 B.C.-17 A.D.)
- Ancient Greece - Classical Period (480–323 B.C.)
- Ancient Greece - Hellenistic Period (323-146 B.C.)
- Ancient Greece - Illyria as Roman Protectorate (167-35 B.C.)
- Ancient Greece - Thrace as Part of the Roman Province Macedonia (146 B.C.-379 A.D.)
- Ancient Greece after 146 BC.
- Ancient Greece before 146 B.C.
- Andorra - Kingdom (1983-present)
- Angola - Portuguese colony (1575-1974)
- Angola - Republic (1975-present)
- Anguilla - autonomous area within the United Kingdom (1967-present)
- Annam - French protectorate (1885-1945)
- Antigua and Barbuda - British Administration (1967-1981)
- Antigua and Barbuda - Constitutional Monarchy (1981-present)
- Antwerpen – French siege (1814-1815)
- Argentina - counties for 1881
- Argentina - Republic (1881-present)
- Armenia - Republic (1991-present)
- Aruba - Dutch State - "Status Aparte" (1986-present)
- Ascension Island - British Administration (1978-present)
- Australia - British kolony (1788-1901)
- Australia - Commonwealth (1901-present)
- Austria - Archduchy (1453-1804)
- Austria - Austro-Hungarian Empire (1867-1918)
- Austria - Duchy (1156-1453)
- Austria - Empire (1804-1867)
- Austria - Republic (1919-present)
- Azerbaijan - Republic (1992-present)
- Azoren - Colony of Portugal (1583-1976)
- Azores - Autonomous province of Portugal (1976-present)
- Bactria as Indo-Scythian Kingdom (55 B.C.-12 A.D.)
- Bahamas - Commonwealth (1964-present)
- Bahrein - Kingdom (1869-present)
- Bangladesh - People's Republic (1971-present)
- Barbados - Commonwealth (1966-2021)
- Barbados - Republic (2021-present)
- Barcelona and Cataluña - County (801-1546)
- Belarus - Republic (1991-present)
- Belgian Congo - (1908-1960)
- Belgium - Kingdom (1830-present)
- Belize - Commonwealth (1973-present)
- Bengalen - Britsh presidency (1765-1919)
- Benin - Republic (1990-present)
- Bermuda - British colony (1609 - 1959)
- Bermuda - British Colony (1959-present)
- BES-islands (Bonaire, St.Eustatius, Saba) - Public bodies within Kingdom of the Netherlands (2010-present)
- Bhutan - Kingdom (1910-present)
- Biafra - Independent Republic (1967-1970)
- Birma - Konbaung Dynasty (1752-1885)
- Birma - Union of Burma (1948-1962)
- Bohemia - Imperial State of the Holy Roman Empire (1198–1806)
- Bohemia and Moravia - German Protectorate (1939-1945)
- Bolivia - Republic (1825-present)
- Bolivia - Spanish Colony (1532-1825)
- Bosnia and Herzegovina - Republic (1992-present)
- Botswana - Republiek (1966-present)
- Brazil - Empire (1808-1889)
- Brazil - Portuguese (1654-1808)
- Brazil - Republic (1889-present)
- British Caribbean Territory (1935-1965)
- British Honduras - British Colony (1862-1981)
- British North Borneo - British Protectorate (1882-1963)
- British Virgin Islands - British Colony (1973-present)
- British West Africa - British Colonies (1894-1958)
- British West Indies - Britsish Colony (1816-1869)
- Britsh-Guiana - Britsh colony (1814-1966)
- Brunei - Sultanate (1885-present)
- Bulgaria - Kingdom (1908-1946)
- Bulgaria - People's Republic (1946-1992)
- Bulgaria - Principality under Turkish Suzerainty (1878-1908)
- Bulgaria - Republic (1992-present)
- Bulgaria - Second Bulgarian Empire (1185-1396)
- Burgundian Netherlands - provincial (1384-1482)
- Burkina Faso - Republic (1960-present)
- Burma - Socialist Republic (1962-1988)
- Burundi - Kingdom (1962-1966)
- Burundi - Republic (1966-present)
- Byzantine Empire - Amorian Dynasty (820–867)
- Byzantine Empire - Angelid dynasty (1185–1204)
- Byzantine Empire - Doukas Dynasty (1059–1081)
- Byzantine Empire - Heraclid dynasty (610-695)
- Byzantine Empire - Justinian Dynasty (518-602)
- Byzantine Empire - Komnenen dynasty (1057–1059. 1081-1185)
- Byzantine Empire - Laskarid dynasty (1204-1261)
- Byzantine Empire - Leonid dynasty (457-518)
- Byzantine Empire - Macedonian Dynasty (867–1056)
- Byzantine Empire - Non-dynastic (363-364, 602-610, 813-820, 1056-1057)
- Byzantine Empire - Palaiologan Dynasty (1261–1453)
- Cambodia - Khmer Republic (1970-1975)
- Cambodia - Kingdom (1993-present)
- Cambodia - Kingdom (untill 1960)
- Cambodia - People's Republic of Cambodia (1979-1989)
- Cambodia - State of Camdodia (1989-1992)
- Cameroon - Republic (1960-present)
- Canada - British Controll (1755-1867)
- Canada - Confederation (1867-present)
- Cape Verde - Independent State (1975-present)
- Cape Verde - Portuguese Colony (1456-1975)
- Castile and Leon - Kingdom (1217-1474)
- Cayman Islands - British Colony (1972-present)
- Centraal-Afrikaanse republiek - keizerrijk (1976-1979)
- Central African Republic - First Republic (1960-1976)
- Central African States - Monetary Union CEMAC (1974-present)
- Central-Afrikan Republic - Republic (1979-present)
- Ceylon - British Colony (1796-1948)
- Ceylon - British Commonwealth (1948-1972)
- Ceylon - Monarchy (543 BC -1815)
- Ceylon - VOC-period (1640-1796)
- Chad - Republic (1960-present)
- Chile - Republic (1818-present)
- Chile - Spanish colony (1541-1818)
- China - Five Dynasties and 10 kingdoms (907-960)
- China - German Occupation (1898-1914)
- China - Jin Dynasty (1115-1234)
- China - Liao Dynasty (907-1125)
- China - Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)
- China - Northern and Southern Dynasties (420-581)
- China - Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127)
- China - People's Republic (1949-present)
- China - Qing Dynasty (1644-1912)
- China - Republic (1912-1949)
- China - South Ming Dynasty (1644-1662)
- China - Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279)
- China - Sui Dynasty (581-618)
- China - Tang Dynastie (618-907)
- China - Three Kingdoms (220-280)
- China - Warring States (475 BC-221 BC)
- China - Western Han Dynasty (206 BC - 7 AD and 23-25)
- China - Western Xia Dynasty (1032-1227)
- China - Xin Dynasty (7-23)
- China - Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368)
- China-Eastern Han dynasty (25-220)
- Colombia - Republic (1886-present)
- Colombia - Republiek of New Granada (1830-1863)
- Colombia - United States of Colombia (1863-1886)
- Colombia - Viceroyalty of New-Granada (1717-1819)
- Comoren - French colony (1912-1975)
- Comoros - Federal and Islamic Republic (1975-present)
- Comoros - French Protectorate (1886-1912)
- Congo Free State (1865-1908)
- Congo-Brazzaville - People's Republic (1970-present)
- Congo-Kinshasa - First Republic (1960-1965)
- Congo-Kinshasa - Third Republiek (1997-heden)
- Congo-Zaire - Second Republic (1965-1997)
- Cook Islands - Free association with New Zealand (1965-present)
- Costa Rica - Republic (1848-present)
- Costa-Rica - United Provinces of Central America (1823-1848)
- Crete - Greek Administration (1898-1913)
- Croatia - Republic (1991-present)
- crusaders
- Cuba - First Republic (1902-1940)
- Cuba - Revolutionary State (1976-heden)
- Cuba - Second Republic (1940-1976)
- Curaçao - Dutch Government (1816-1953)
- Cyprus - British occupation (1878-1925)
- Cyprus - Brittish crown Colony (1925-1960)
- Cyprus - Kingdom (1192-1489)
- Cyprus - Republic (1960-present)
- Czech Republic - Republic (1993-present)
- Czechoslovakia - Federal Republic CSFR (1990-1992(1993))
- Czechoslovakia - People's Republic (1953-1962)
- Czechoslovakia - Republic (1918-1953)
- Czechoslovakia - Socialist Republic (1962-1990)
- Dai Nam - Nguyen Dynasty, Chinese vassal state (1802-1885)
- Danish West Indies - Danish Colony (1754-1917)
- Danzig - Free City (1919-1939)
- Denmark - Kingdom (980-present)
- Denmark- Duchies (1617-1864)
- Djibouti - Republic (1977-present)
- Dominica - Associated state of the United Kingdom (1967-1978)
- Dominica - Republic (1978-present)
- Dominican Republic - Republic (1865-present)
- Duchies in Silesia
- East Africa - British Colony (1920-1963)
- East Africa - British Protectorate (1888-1920)
- East Africa - Independent (1964)
- East Caribbean States - British Government (1981-present)
- East Timor (2002-present)
- Ecuador - Republic (1830-present)
- Egypt - Arabic Republic (1971-present)
- Egypt - British Occupation (1914-1922)
- Egypt - Kingdom (1922-1953)
- Egypt - Ottoman Empire (1517-1914)
- Egypt - Republic (1953-1958)
- Egypt - United Arab Republic (1958-1971)
- El Salvador - Republic (1841-present)
- England - Kingdom (927-1707)
- Equatorial African States - Currency (1961-1973)
- Equatorial Guinea - Republic (1968-present)
- Eritrea - Italian colonie (1885-1941)
- Eritrea - Republic (1993-present)
- Essequebo & Demerary - British colony (1616-1815)
- Estonia - First Republic (1918-1940)
- Estonia - Republic (1991-present)
- Ethiopia - Empire (1889-1969)
- Ethiopia - People's Democratic Republic (1969-present)
- Faeroe - Danish State (1380-1948)
- Falkland Islands - British Overseas Territory (1833-present)
- Fiji - Republic (1874-present)
- Filipijnen – Amerikaans bestuur (1898-1935)
- Finland - Grand Duchy (1809-1917)
- Finland - Interim government (1917-1918)
- Finland - Republic (1919-present)
- France - Fifth Republic (1958-present)
- France - First Empire (1804-1814 + 100 days in 1815)
- France - First Republic (1793-1804)
- France - Fourth Republic (1945-1958)
- France - House of Bourbon (1589-1793)
- France - July Monarchy (1830-1848)
- France - Merovingians (481-751)
- France - Middle Ages
- France - Restoration (1814-1830)
- France - Royaume (1328-1589)
- France - Second Empire (1852-1870)
- France - Second Republic (1848-1852)
- France - Third Republic (1870-1940)
- France - Vichy-regime (1940-1944)
- French Cochin China - French Colony (1862-1948)
- French Equatorial Africa - Franse Colony (1910-1958)
- French Indo-China - French Colony ((1885) 1887-1946)
- French Oceania - French Colony (1903-1957)
- French Polynesia - French Overseas Territory (1957-present)
- French Somaliland - French Colony (1946-1967)
- French Territory of the Afars and the Issas - French Colony (1967-1977)
- French West Africa - French Colony (1895-1958)
- Fujairah - British Protectorate (1902-1971)
- Gabon - Republic (1960-present)
- Galicia and Lodomeria - Kingdom (1772-1918)
- Gallic Empire - Empire - Crisis of the Third Century (260-274))
- Gambia - Commonwealth (1965-1970)
- Gambia - Republic (1970-present)
- GDR - Democratic Republic (1949-1990)
- Georgia - Independent State (1991-present)